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Being A Soldier For Christ

Updated: Oct 30, 2021

A soldier is someone who serves. Soldiers serve a country and are in support of the ideologies and beliefs of a country. As a soldier you must serve with honour and loyalty. We as Christians must serve Jesus in this way. With everything he’s gifted to us. We must remain loyal to Jesus remembering him in all we do. One thing that makes an army strong is the ammunition and weaponry they possess. So today we will be studying the weapons Christ has provided us with. Ephesians 6:10-20 Having the Armour of God at all times is very important because as humans especially Christians we are fighting a battle we cannot see. In Ephesians 6:12 it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but evil rulers and principalities of an unseen world”. What does this mean?? This means we are constantly under spiritual attack from the devil and his demons. We cannot physically see them or fight them therefore prayer is one form of weaponry God has given us access too. As soldiers of Christ we have authority and strength to challenge any demonic activity placed upon our lives. Another weapon God has given us is the Helmet of salvation. This was through Jesus Christ dying on the cross. His blood was shed so ours wouldn’t have to be. Salvation is the deliverance from sin and it’s consequence through Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. As Christians we are able to go through things not afraid because we know we have been saved by Christ. The Sword is the word of God. This is also an extremely important weapon God had provided us with. The more of the bible we read and study the sharper out sword becomes. This means breaking spiritual strong holds become easier, we know what God says so we are confident enough to destroy any word that God against that. All these things are needed in order to be able to stand firm. A prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian. A bible reading Christian is a confident Christian.

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