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Our Core Values

As a Christian organisation operating on the platform of love, in all we do,
we focus on these core values:


  • Christ centred - We believe that the real need of every man is salvation, this

therefore causes us to put Christ at the focal point of all our work to
eliminate any form of hypocritical deeds and show the love of Christ to all


  • People oriented - Jesus made it clear, he came purposely for the redemption

of humanity. For us as an organisation, we do not discriminate nor support
discrimination on the basis of race, gender religion or any other form, but
rather accommodate all persons. 


  • Love based - Working in love (agape) is fundamental to all our work, as we

firmly believe that it is only on the basis of agape love, a true difference can
be made in the lives of men. 


  • Word based - With the magnitude and power of God’s word, we work as an

organisation in line with God's word so that we can have the assurance, that
all our work brings and gives glory to God.


  • One at a time - We work to reach many people, but one soul at a time. We

take time and interest in the life of a person to provide every necessary
support required. We will spend resources if it will yield the result of one
soul being saved because we are prepared to rejoice with heaven over one. 


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